Democrats hold rally Oct. 15 | Briefs |

2022-10-08 16:57:43 By : Ms. Lorna Lee

Haywood Democrats will hold the 2022 Fall Rally from 4–6:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15 at the Nanci Weldon Memorial Gym at Lake Junaluska.

Prior to the barbecue meal prepared by Haywood Smokehouse, candidates running for county, state and federal offices will be recognized to make brief remarks.

Tickets are $25 and the deadline for purchasing them is Friday, Oct. 14. No tickets will be sold at the gym.

Since the gym is covered, the rally will be held rain or shine.

Tickets can be purchased with a credit card at or with cash or check at Democrat Headquarters, 734 N. Main St., Waynesville. Hours of operation are 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday– Friday.

For information, call 828-452-9607 or send a message to Remember that early voting begins Oct. 20 for the November election.

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